Wow its Wednesday again!
To join in with the blog hop - pop over to Julia's Blog where all the details are.
This is part of my messy desk- lots of bits on it. A new stencil( i have the little one like this and its my fav) - The white book is is prep for another Tracy Evans work shop at the weekend. The rainbow feathers are to be cut out and popped on to a card for some of the pupils who I would normally support at school ( young carers/mental heath) . I have sent off two batches and off to send some more in a min when I go for my daily walk.

Here are some I sent last week.
 I am still baking - more bread and Victoria sandwich - forgot to photograph and my lot are like termites and devour the stuff so quickly . 
We seem to be getting used to this - I am back to working from home but there is very little i can do - onlt three pupils in our school at the moment and i am not needed and dont teach . I am sure I will be busy when we open properly. Speaking of which , this made me laugh .

Image may contain: car, night, text and outdoor  

Take Care and stay safe
Soojay xx


  1. Glad you are not needed in school Sue and can work from home. I am sure your cards are much appreciated by the pupils. Your 'and finally' made me laugh out loud. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

  2. Morning Sue. It's hard keeping in touch with school when you are not a teacher isn't, I'm in the office so can work from home but the teachers are now at a hub school. We keep in touch on email and by phone but I miss seeing them and the children.
    I recognise that lovely stencil, it's on my desk too and used all the time, as it that little heart stamp on your cards. Tracey is just an inspiration isn't she.
    Enjoy your week and stay safe
    Hugs Lisax #24

  3. Gorgeous cards and your last pic brought a smile to this woyww. Hopefully many parents will start to appreciate that hard work teachers do on a daily basis. Stay safe and keep creating.
    Sandra de @14

  4. Hi Soojay. How lovely that you are not needed in school at the moment. My eldest grandie is a teaching assistant, and I think she has only done two days in the past four weeks. She is thoroughly enjoying being at home! Those are really lovely cards for your pupils - what a great thought, to show them they are not forgotten.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  5. Your cards are beautiful and so thoughtful too. I love the stencil, it would definitely be the sort of one I would go for and use a lot. I hope you have a good week and enjoy all this extra home time you are getting.
    Hugs, Diana x #12

  6. Your cards are gorgeous and bright. Your final made me laugh - I will be one of those parents. Alex is doing really well, but with being told only to do 3 hours work a day and yet teachers setting him more like 5 or 6 hours a day it is rather confusing and stressful all round - not least because I have to work fulltime as well. Happy WOYWW. Stay safe and take care. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#25)

  7. I'm late in the day managing to get round my blogging friends. I've been busy making 2 Memory dogs for one of my customers.
    Your cards are gorgeous and your funny really made me chuckle.
    Stay safe and keep crafting.
    Annie x #21

  8. I love your cards, Sue, they are so beautiful, and they will be so much appreciated, I know. That looks an interesting stencil, too. Thank you for visiting, and for your kind words about my work! Glad you like our garden umbrella, too - you can understand why we couldn't resist that one!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #15

  9. glad you are able to work from home, me too. It wil seem very strange when i go back to the office whenever! although it will be nice to be with other people - not sure I'll be happy to get the bus though! Take care and stay safe. Helen #2

  10. Beautiful cards, I am sure they will be appreciated. So many people are saying that they are eating loads and weirdly seems the opposite in our house - lots of snacks and cakes not touched at all so I won't need to bebuying more!! Stay Safe, Stay well, Happy WOYWW Cindy #18

  11. Hi Sue, the cards are lovely. Bet someone's going to love those. I like the look of that stencil too, it looks familiar but not sure what make it is, AAll and Create maybe. Have a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x17x

  12. Hi ya Soojay sorry i'm very very late, so nice to see that fab stencil on your workdesk.
    I don't use FB anymore so miss out on Tracy's live shows sadly she is an amazing creative, it's so nice to see how she has evolved over the years. Beautiful cards for the pupils, such a caring thought I can imagine how excited they will be when they open them. Take care & stay creative, it's wonderful to see Tracey #3 x

  13. It’s better to be at home, minimising the risk to bringing anything home from work to your lovelies. Your cards are super, really like the backgrounds for the feathers, what a great idea. It’s so kind of you to let the pupils know that you’re thinking about them, it must be very good for them to know that their support hasn’t just dropped off a cliff because of lockdown, good for you. I hope it’s a bit of a win win and you’re enjoying the making! Your desk looks just fine to me, I should be very happy to sit at it!

  14. Hi Soojay, love the cards. So cheerful. Been watching Tracys videos too. Love the funny at the end. Have a lovely week, Stay safe, Hugs, Shaz #11 X

  15. Oh My, received my new Bible Journal goodies yesterday and so was so wrapped up in that most of the day and still not ventured into the Bible itself!!
    Anyway gorgeous cards, love the rainbow effects.
    Thanks for the visit BJ#10

  16. Hi Sue, I've been working at home for over a month now - I'm just glad of the opportunity to keep on working. I love how you've made the rainbow feathers, they are gorgeous as are the cards for your pupils. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and sorry for the late visit. Have a lovely week and stay safe, Heather xx #28


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