Mini Calanders

 Every year I make a few of these for friends at work . I keep one on my desk to quickly check the after school detention dates :) Anyway a few colleagues asked if i could make them one.
They are really small about 3" x 2 1/2 " . I have only used free printable s so far - the sort where you can print the whole year on one sheet of A4 . I have used just odd bits of card board to make the covers ( i used the back of note books for these) They have been embellished slightly ( theres not much room) and I have left room for a few notes on the back of each page. 

 Just type" printable mini 2013 calendars" into google images and this is one of the first up. 

 So easy to do but fiddly.
This is slightly larger- I bought a pack of peel off calenders from a craft shop - there were about 10 in the pack though.

My nephew is at the school i work and saw mine in the office and asked me to make him one. 
He like playing games like Skyrim ( not sure if that's how you spell it!) So i downloaded a free dingbat and created the work box for the notes and added a dragon and sword charm to the clasp to make it more "Gothic" I found a vintage calender and turned it black and whiute before I printed it.
Any way I still have at least three more to make .

Soojay xx


  1. Perfect little calendars for the purse.Hope you will stop by when you get a chance.

    Stay Creative,
    Carson's Creations

  2. Oh these are great Sue. I might just pinch the idea for the CCW Christmas Countdown. I've pinned it in the hope that's OK? I'll acknowledge they were your idea, of course.
    Sue xx

  3. This are so gorgeous Sue. I know you had little room to add stuff, but you still managed to still make them looked so detailed! I LOVE the tree:)

  4. Sue, these are absolutely gorgeous! Love all the deatils x


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