As I said before, Lots of catching up to do. I Have been writing in my note book and have managed to catch up on all my notes. I was surprised at easy it was to do! I have written pages and pages. There are 5 prompts a week and though i will manage to keep up with the writing, i will not manage 5 layout a week..but it will keep :) The good thing is that i will always have enough journaling to keep me going for quite sometime. The first Prompt was "Questions"...All the different sorts of question that people ask me or that i ask myself.
I put mine into three categories. Ones i like answering ( easy ones) , Ones that are harder ( more difficult to answer) and ones that really annoy me.
Are you a tea or coffee person? - EASY only coffee, thats what mum drank , i wouldn't think about drinking tea.
Whats your fav colour? - EASY Green , everything it stands for too.
Are you a Summer or Winter person?- EASY Summer i NEED sunshine and heat.
Harder Questions.
Where do you see yourself in five years time? - I don't like looking too far into the future not since Cavell was ill and died in 1990, we took a day at a time then and its a difficult habit to get out of. I suppose we will still be living here, i can't see us moving, we have lived here for 12 years and in Eye for over 20 yrs. I love my job and at my age , can't see me changing it unless it is to be promoted which is unlikely as there is no where to be promoted to.
When are you going to decorate? I did most of the house when we moved in and haven't done anything for about 6 yrs now. Most rooms desperately need doing. Derek doesn't decorate so it falls to me. I ought to stop finding excuses and just get on with it!
Are we going on holiday this year? We haven't been away for a few years. With 5 of us all now classed as adults, its not cheap. working in a school i only take school holidays off to that doesn't help either. The organisation of medication and packing is not something i enjoy either so a holiday is not something i look forward to. LOL
Then theres these Questions:
How do you cope? - when i tell someone about the children. That between them they have: Moderate learning difficulties, Tourettes syndrome, nocturnal epilepsy, ADHD, OCD, dyspraxia, type 1 diabetes and ASD. I know its meant well but honestly- theres no choice but to cope. Its just our way of life, not coping isn't an option. Our life is just like everyone else's we get happy, sad etc..its just a different perspective thats all.
How do you spell.....? Even though i don't work in a classroom it is still a very common question at school (and at home!) I find spelling hard - no i am not dyslexic. I was taught to read and write at Diss infants school in the 1960's. They used a "new" experimental way of teaching us called the Pitman Initial Teaching Alphabet (i.t.a.) We used weird symbols for sounds , i still remember them. Just before my 6th birthday it all changed as i was re taught the conventional way - it really messed up my spelling!
The last question i have used as my layout . Whats for tea?
I used to get so fed up every day of that question “What’s for tea?” It was the first thing they said when I got in from work and the last thing I felt like doing. Too tired to think about what to cook, I often didn’t know till I was actually cooking it. Then finding out that I didn’t always have the right ingredients, so having to pop out and get them or adapt the recipe. Derek would text me while at work “Do you need me to buy anything for tea tonight?” I wouldn’t know, I was busy at work.
So I took matters in hand and we now have a menu printed out each week with what’s for tea on it. I also print out a shopping list so we know what and when to buy stuff.
It does change sometimes but not by much. So no more questions and no more buying stuff we don’t need or that goes off.
One problem solved!

Letters covered in glossy accents.
The flower was made using a left over piece from the banner i made a few weeks ago.
Sorry it was a long post.
Almost finished prompt two so will be back later .
Soojay xx
I loved reading this post! It made me think of one question I get asked a lot 'What you don't drink tea or coffee? What do you drink then?' Argh there are other drinks out there lol! Anyway I digress:)
ReplyDeleteI don't mind that it was a long post at all, please don't apologise for it. I enjoyed it & thanks for printing out the last bit, I would have gone blind trying to read it off the picture! :0) BITC xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the long post either. Thank you for sharing so much of 'you' with us. I'm sure decorating's the last thing on your mind. Love your menu planning, I should do that more, then I might just eat properly! Take care (((hugs))) xx
ReplyDeleteLovely post Sue - genius idea to plan a menu each week. Gorgeous flower on your page too.