End of term mini books

 There are some bits about the end of term that I don't like. There are always staff leaving sometime not by choice - redundancies :( 
One of the longest serving teachers was also retiring this year. I was often ( as a learning support assistant a few years ago) supporting in her home ec. class. She reminded me how easy ,healthier and cheaper it is to cook much more than I was at the time. Having a diabetic and a hyper active child also meant it was SO much better for them too.
A few of us went out to celebrate and I took some photos to make in to a little book to remind her.

 It was very basic ( I made it in one day) .

 It was lovely to see other staff who have left and catch up .

 and the nutters I work with ;)- who when this photo was taken were actually taking the P*** out of me !

 I gave her the book the day before she left and she was delighted.

 I also made another inchie book for a friend at work. 

 I had one on my desk and lots of people have asked for one so that should  keep me occupied (if I am at a loss) over the holidays.

 I do have 12 design team cards and two pages to make as well as decorating daughters bedroom, tidying the garden and decorating the hallway .

Back soon xx

Soojay xx


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